Learn Enterprise Level Automation
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Course Highlights
Training Mode: Virtual Classrooms as per Trainer & Participant availability
Pre Recorded Training Sessions on NGA Platform
Trainer Support : 1 Year from date of registration (Mode: Phone & Virtual Classrooms)
Individual participant assessment at the end of training and Certificate of Completion from Next Generation Automation Academy
Promotional Price: 15000 INR (One time payment)
Course Duration: 4 Hr per week subject to course completion
QA Engineer can claim 50% refund if not interested to continue with in 1 month registration
Complimentary Next Generation Automation Book Bank subscription for 3 months & 3 Months Overseas Hiring Model subscription for every participant at end of course
To register, send expression of interest at trainings@nextgenerationautomation.com with contact number for call back.
Prerequisite Required:
Basic Knowledge Java
Basic Knowledge Selenium
Basic Knowledge Test NG
Basic Knowledge Maven
Java and Maven Videos already available in NGA Free Video Library Section and Selenium, Test NG Videos will be added shortly. Click here to launch free video library.
Course Contents
Module 1: General
Section 1: Program Introduction
This section includes brief introduction about program and how course let QA Engineers become expert QA Automation Engineers and do automation testing tasks independently once master the program.
Section 2: Learn Framework Architecture
This section will let you walk through Framework major components that will be developed.
Each framework component will be explained in this section about its functionality.
Section 3: Learn Framework Design Guidelines
This section describe about framework design guidelines that must be considered while writing test code. Mentioned design guidelines in this section will be followed during the program.
Section 4: Set Up Project Enviornment
This section includes creating blank maven project and update the pom.xml with required dependencies.
Also covers creating empty framework packages under src/main/java
Section 5: Set Up Project Configuration
This section includes Update Drivers Folder with driver binaries,
Creating configuration file and map with Configuration Parameters Class for commons and database package
Module 2: Framework Development
Section 6: Creating Logger Class
This section includes writing helper methods for Logger Class to print log statements at time of test execution
Section 7: Creating Browser Factory using multi threading Java feature
This section includes writing helper methods for Browser Factory to initiate web driver for multiple browsers
Also covers writing common helper methods for browser
Section 8: Development Element Class
This section includes writing helper methods to perform common element operations like finding web element, click web element plus others.
Section 9: Development Browser Alerts Class
This section includes writing helper methods to handle browser alerts like accept alert window, cancel alert window plus others.
Section 10: Development Button Class
This section includes writing helper methods to handle button operations like click, check button clickable or not plus others.
Section 11: Development Check Box Class
This section includes writing helper methods to handle check box operations like select check box, uncheck check box.
Section 12: Development Drop Down Class
This section includes writing helper methods to handle drop down operations like select dropdown item based on value, index, visible text plus others.
Section 13: Development Dynamic Wait Class
This section includes writing helper methods to perform dynamic wait on web elements like wait until element is displayed or visible or clickable plus others.
Section 14: Development Grid / Table Class
This section includes writing helper methods to perform web table operations like get row count, get column count, get table value plus others
Section 15: Development IFrame Class
This section includes writing helper methods to perform IFrame specific operations like switch to IFrame based on index, name plus others
Section 16: Development Radio Class
This section includes writing helper methods to perform Radio button specific operations like select radio button
Section 17: Development Synchronization Class
This section includes writing helper methods to generate synchronization between different test steps based on application response time.
Section 18: Development Text Box Class
This section includes writing helper methods to perform text box specific operations like entering value in text box, extract value from text box, clear text value plus others.
Section 19: Development HTML Reporter Class
This section includes writing helper methods to generate HTML report supporting both single thread and multi thread test execution when test will execute in parallel but there will be single HTML report instance fetching test results from all tests executing under different threads.
Section 20: Development Assertions Class
This section includes writing helper methods to generate custom assertions that will compare boolean values, string values and object values
Section 21: Development XLS Reader Class
This section includes writing helper methods to initialize excel work sheet, get row count, get column count , get cell data plus others.
Section 22: Development INI Reader Class
This section includes writing helper methods to initialize INI Reader and perform operations like column list, get data from specific section
Section 23: Development Data Base Manager Class
This section includes writing helper methods to perform database specific operations like establish database connection, get data all rows, get data all columns plus others
Section 24: Development Encryption and Decryption Class
This section includes writing helper methods to encrypt the application login passwords plus any other confidential data
Module 3: Test Development
Section 25: Development Page Class specific to NGA Website
This section includes development of Page Class for multiple pages of NGA Website like Login, Query Submission, Header, Footer, Book Bank, Blog plus others
Section 26: Development Business Class
This section includes development of business work flows based on page class development.
Section 27: Development Test Base Class
This section includes writing BeforeSuite, BeforeClass, AfterClass Test Annotations for Framework initialize before triggiring any test.
Section 28: Development Login Data Class
This section includes writing data parameters that will be used for login NGA Application like Username, password plus others
Section 29: Development Test Cases to Test Login Functionality with different methods
This section includes writing test cases to test login functionality using different methods like TestNG Data Provider, Excel, INI and Database and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation
Section 30: Development Test Cases to Test Header Functionality
This section includes writing test cases to test Header section of NGA Website and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation
Section 31: Development Test Cases to Test Footer Functionality
This section includes writing test cases to test Footer section of NGA Website and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation
Section 32: Development Test Cases to Test Query Submission using multiple methods
This section includes writing test cases to test Query Submission section of NGA Website using different methods like Excel, Database and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation
Section 33: Development Test Cases to Test NGA Employee DataTable
This section includes writing test cases to test NGA Employee DataTable and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation
Section 34: Development Test Cases to Test NGA Book Bank
This section includes writing test cases to test NGA Book Bank contents and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation
Section 35: Development Test Cases to Test NGA Blog
This section includes writing test cases to test NGA Blog contents and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation
Module 4: Advance Implement Spring Dependency Injection
Section 36: Define Spring Test Configuration
This section includes writing spring test configuration file that will generate auto wired dependency injection for Page Class, Framework Helper Methods and Test Data Class files
Section 37: Define Framework Specifications
This section includes define interfaces for all framework helper methods
Section 38: Convert Framework Utility Classes as per defined Specifications and add spring annotations
This section includes converting framework utility classes helper methods as per defined specifications and add spring annotations
Section 39: Convert Page Classes for dependency injection
This section includes update page classes for auto wiring feature of spring framework
Section 40: Convert Business Classes for dependency injection
This section includes update business work flows for auto wiring feature of spring framework
Section 41: Convert Test Classes for dependency injection
This section includes update test classes for auto wiring feature of spring framework
Section 42: Test Execution
This section includes test execution for all test cases to verify application under test and check for log reports and HTML reports.
Module 5: Advance Track Test Execution Real Time using Kibana Dashboards
Section 43: Understand Kibana and Elastic Search Basics
This section includes cover basics of Kibana Dashboards and Elastic Search Database
Section 44: Download Kibana and Elastic Search Binary packages
This section includes download Kibana and Elastic Search binary packages as per shared URL.
Section 45: Update configuration files of Elastic Search and Kibana
This section includes update configuration files of elastic search and Kibana for test execution
Section 46: Execute Elastic Search and Kibana binaries
This section includes setting up elastic search and Kibana servers in your local machine
Section 47: Create Index Pattern in Elastic Search Dashboard as per defined test matrix
This section includes create index pattern in Elastic Search using Postman tool
Section 48: Create Kibana Dashboards
This section includes creating Kibana Dashboards as per index pattern
Section 49: Create Kibana Framework Utility Class
This section includes writing RealTimeMonitoring class that will contain helper methods like updateKibanaDashboard and resetKibanaDashBoard.
Section 50: Update Report Listener Class Helper Methods and Test Base Class
This section includes update report listener class methods to enable sending test execution data to Elastic Search database
Section 51: Test Execution
This section includes test execution for all test cases to verify application under test and check for log reports, HTML reports and Kibana Test Dashboards to update real time based on test execution.
Module 6: Final Evaluation and sharing feedback
This module includes final evaluation of QA Engineer to check for expertise level and award Star rewards.
Star rewards enable QA Engineers connect with NGA network Employers both Domestic and Overseas and get selected for high performing automation testing jobs at very attractive salary packages.​
Other add-ons provided along with the course:
Developed Framework Code
Developed Test Scripts Source Code
Access to pre recorded virtual classroom recording sessions with other students
Access to any new course modules designed and developed with in 1 year of subscription period
Personal Branding with NGA Connected Employers through NGA Star rewards program