Program Introduction
Program Introduction
Learn Enterprise Level API Test Automation Program divided into multiple modules and each module let QA Engineer learn about API Test Automation at enterprise Level. Successful completion of program enable QA Engineer to work any complex API based test automation project. Modules that will be covered during program includes:
Module 1: Rest API Introduction
Module 2: Hotel Review API Project Build and Deployment
Module 3: Test manually API End Points
Module 4: Framework Design and Development
Module 5: Test Development
Payment Section
Test Automation Framework Design, Development and Test Development using Java, Spring Boot, Maven, Rest Assured, GSON, Postman
Self Paced Online learning content to master NGA in house developed API Test Automation program
Work on Sample API Test Automation Project - Automate Hotel Review API Project using NGA Developed Automation Architecture
Modules Covered: Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, Module 4, Module 5
Course Fees: 25000 INR
Discounted Price: 2500 INR (90% Discount) - Limited Period Pricing
Course membership duration: 1 year
To purchase Learn Enterprise Level Test Automation subscription, Scan below QR Code.

Prerequisite Required
Basic Knowledge Java
Basic Knowledge TestNG
Basic Knowledge Maven
Framework Architecture
Framework Architecture Video walks through Framework Architecture to be developed at code level. Video describes major framework components along with functionality provided to execute API test automation at enterprise level.

Paid Members Area
Course Contents
Module 1: Rest API Introduction
Section 1.1: What are microservices and its Architecture?
This section includes detailed explanation about What are Microservices and its architecture.
Section 1.2: What is REST API and How It Works?
This section includes Rest API Introduction, Rest API CRUD Operations, Rest API Path Parameters, Rest API Query Parameters and How Rest API Works.
Section 1.3: Principles of Rest API
This section includes principles followed by REST API while transferring information from one end point to other.
Section 1.4: Methods of Rest API
This section includes detailed explanation about Rest API Methods
Section 1.4: Status Codes
This section describes different status codes used by REST APIs
Module 2: Hotel Search API Project Development
Section 2.1: Download the Hotel Review Rest API Project
This section includes overview about Hotel Review Rest API Project and downloading the project source code in your local workspace
Section 2.2: Build the Hotel Review Rest API Project
This section includes build the project in your local workspace
Section 2.3: Deploy the Project
This section includes deploying the project and let multiple API End points up and running in your local workspace
Section 2.4: Understand multiple API End Points
This section includes understanding multiple API End Points: GET, POST, PUT and DELETE
Module 3: Manually Test API End Points
Section 3.1: Verify POST API End Point
This section includes performing manual test using Postman tool that will verify if API End Point able to create Hotel record using POST Operation or not.
Section 3.2: Verify GET API End Point
This section includes performing manual test using Postman tool that will verify if API End Point able to extract all Hotel record using GET Operation or not.
Section 3.3a: Verify PUT API End Point for successful update
This section includes performing manual test using Postman tool that will verify if API End Point able to update Hotel record using PUT Operation or not for successful operation.
Section 3.3b: Verify PUT API End Point for fail update
This section includes performing manual test using Postman tool that will verify if API End Point able to update Hotel record using PUT Operation or not for failed operation
Section 3.4a: Verify DELETE API End Point for successful deletion
This section includes performing manual test using Postman tool that will verify if API End Point able to delete Hotel record using DELETE Operation or not for successful operation
Section 3.4b: Verify DELETE API End Point for failed deletion
This section includes performing manual test using Postman tool that will verify if API End Point able to delete Hotel record using DELETE Operation or not for failed operation
Module 4: Framework Design & Development
Framework Design
Section 4A.1: API Test Automation Architecture
This section includes API Test Automation architecture walk through, Understand multiple framework components and its functionality
Section 4A.2: Project Introduction
This section includes understand project folder structure, packages, classes to be developed as part of API test automation for Hotel Review API Project
Section 4A.3: Set Up Project Environment
This section includes creating blank maven project, create folder structure and build the project with required dependencies required for multiple java classes
Section 4A,4: Set Up Project Configuration
This section includes developing API Configuration properties file, API Configuration Params Class, API Connection properties class
Framework Development
Section 4B.1: Development Logger Class and Test Base Class
This section includes writing helper methods to generate logs in text format and HTML Test execution report supporting both single thread and multi thread test execution when test will execute in parallel but there will be single HTML report instance fetching test results from all tests executing under different threads. Test Base class provides framework level initialization.
Section 4B.2: Development Report Listener Class
This section includes developing Report Listener class to provide required actions once test gets Pass, Fail or Skipped
Section 4B.3: Development Util Class
This section includes developing Util class to provide common utility methods to be use across multiple test class methods. Util class can be further enhanced by Test Engineer as framework becomes more complex.
Section 4B.4: Development Custom Assertions Class
This section includes developing Custom Assertions class to provide verification methods for verifying the response generated from multiple APIs: Post, Get, Put and Delete
Section 4B.5: Development API Response Code Class
This section includes writing enum to define multiple REST API response parameters
Section 4B.6: Development API Connection Properties Class
This section includes developing API Connection Properties class to provide helper methods that will initialize the API by setting up the values for the base URI, authentication type, proxy host name, proxy port number, headers, and some other parameters as per the API under test.
Section 4B.7: Development Rest Assured Utilities Class
This section includes developing Rest Assured Utilities class to provide helper methods that will generate an API response body and an API response map for multiple CRUD operations: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
Module 5: Test Development
Section 5.1: Verify POST API using Jackson Object Mapper and Request Body in JSON format
This section includes writing test class methods to verify POST API End point using Jackson Object Mapper and Request Body in JSON format and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation.
Section 5.2: Verify POST API using Map<String,Object> for request body
This section includes writing test class methods to verify POST API End Point using Map<String,Object> for request body and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation.
Section 5.3: Verify GET API using POJO Class for response body
This section includes writing test class methods to verify GET API End Point using POJO Class for response body and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation.
Section 5.4: Verify GET API using JSON Path Evaluator for response body
This section includes writing test class methods to verify GET API End Point using POJO Class for response body and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation.
Section 5.5: Verify PUT API using Map<String,Object> for request body
This section includes writing test class methods to verify PUT API End Point using Map<String,Object> for request body and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation.
Section 5.6: Verify DELETE API on successful deletion
This section includes writing test class methods to verify DELETE API End Point on successful deletion and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation.
Section 5.7: Verify DELETE API on failed deletion
This section includes writing test class methods to verify DELETE API End Point on failed deletion and check for correct test execution along with log reports and HTML Test reports generation.
Section 5.8: Implement Clean Up
This section includes updated test class methods to implement test clean up and delete all API Test Data created on earlier test runs
Other add-ons provided along with the course:
Developed Framework Code
Developed Test Scripts Source Code
Future support for API Test Automation Projects Execution
Learn Enterprise Level API Test Automation
Learn Enterprise Level API Test Automation program designed and developed in-house at Next Generation Automation keeping in mind career growth of QA Engineers.
​Program enable QA Engineers to experience Enterprise Level API Test Automation while working on development of Demo API Test Automation Project during the program.​
Program includes both Framework and Test Development along with Sample API Project build and deploy at local machine
Program helps in building developer mindset for QA Engineers and encourages QA Engineers for maximum hands-on code development during the program.
​Each section offers source code sharing as covered in the particular section. Also, mentorship support will be made available while understanding any section of the program.​
Program uses technology / tool stack: Java, Spring Boot, Maven, Jackson, Rest Assured, GSON, Postman