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E-mail Etiquette must for QAs to follow

E-mail Etiquette very important for QAs to follow as major firings or appraisal ratings downgrade which happened for QAs always take consideration of mails sent by QAs either to their teams, other groups or immediate boss and in some cases directly to Company HR.

So it's very important to use this professional tool very intelligently and full care must be checked while sending any mail through your official email address:

Here are E mail Etiquette tips compiled by Next Generation Automation team that going to help every QA significantly.

1. Do have a clear subject line.

Always make your subject line crisp and match with body of email. Avoid ambiguous Subject line statements which let others to take advantage of your mails in their favor.

2. Do use a professional salutation.

Using “Hey,” “Yo,” or “Hiya” isn’t professional, no matter how well you know the recipient. Use “Hi” or “Hello” instead. To be more formal, use “Dear (insert name).” Using the person’s name in the salutation -- “Hello Ankur” -- is quite appropriate, but remember not to shorten a person's name unless you're given permission to do so.

3. Don't use humor.

Humor does not translate well via email. What you think is funny has a good chance of being misinterpreted by the other person, or taken as sarcasm, without the accompanying vocal tone and facial expressions. When in doubt, leave humor out of business communications.

4. Do proofread your message.

Don't be surprised if you're judged by the way you compose an email. For example, if your email is littered with misspelled words and grammatical errors, you may be perceived as sloppy, careless, or even uneducated. Check your spelling, grammar and message before hitting “send.”

5. Don't shoot from the lip and comes in your mail. One of important reason for firing QAs by any major MNC now a days.

Never send an angry email, or give a quick, flip response. Give your message some thoughtful consideration before sending it. If you feel angry, put your message into the “drafts” folder, and review it again later when you are calmer and have time to formulate an appropriate response. Angry mail always trigger HR meeting and in major cases it results in removal of employee especially if business justification of employee especially QA not very great

6. Do keep private material confidential

It is far too easy to share emails, even inadvertently. If you have to share highly personal or confidential information, do so in person or over the phone. Ask permission before posting sensitive material either in the body of the email or in an attachment.

7. Never send project information to your personal email address

Some QAs by mistake send project related information to personal email addresses which gets caught by company firewall. So always avoid sending mails outside official email address unless authorize to do so.

8. Don't! overuse exclamation points

Exclamation points and other indications of excitement such as emoticons, abbreviations like LOL, and all CAPITALS do not translate well in business communications. Leave them off unless you know the recipient extremely well. It’s also not professional to use a string of exclamation points!!!!!

9. Never hit reply all unless needed

Beware of the "reply all." Do not hit "reply all" unless every member on the e-mail chain needs to know. You want to make sure that you are not sending everyone on a list your answer whether they needed to know or not.

10. Pick up the phone or call meetings when in need, Never rely 100% on business e mails

When a conversation topic has lots of parameters that need to be explained or negotiated and will generate too many questions and confusion, don't handle it via e-mail. Also, e-mail should not be used for last minute cancellations of meetings, lunches, interviews, and never for devastating news. If you have an employee or a friend you need to deliver bad news to, a phone call is preferable. If it's news you have to deliver to a large group, e-mail is more practical.

11. Use E mail priority carefully

Evaluate the importance of your e-mail. Don't overuse the high priority option. If you overuse this feature, few people will take it seriously. A better solution is to use descriptive subject lines that explain exactly what a message is about.

12. Include Signature when needed:

Always include a signature when required. You never want someone to have to look up how to get in touch with you. If you're social media savvy, include all of your social media information in your signature as well. Your e-mail signature is a great way to let people know more about you.

Hope every QA liked the E mail Etiquette tips compiled by Next Generation Automation team. Stay connected and keep reading other blogs published by Next Generation Automation team for your better career.

Building better QA for tomorrow


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