As you get enter into programming job, its very rare you get the project where every thing needs to be develop from scratch. Many times you hired for ongoing project and major code already developed by the rest team members.
Hence its very important to develop good programme reading skills and it helps you settle down in your assigned project earliest and let you productive with less effort.
In this post we are sharing some of best practices adopted by developers and automation engineers when they asked to join the ongoing project:
1. Run the code
Well, this is the first step in reading code. This might not give you a lot of details about the project, however, you will know how to build it and run it, and you will get to learn about the libraries it uses, the framework(s) it depends on, etc., which is a great way to improve your understanding of a particular project. If you want to write your own piece of software similar to the particular project you are exploring, you might get some ideas about the possible framework or libraries you should use.
2. Find the high-level logic
You may not jump into each detail when you start reading a project. Rather, you should focus on the high-level structure. Start from the entry point. Most projects have a main method, start from there. Besides, if this is a web application, start looking into different packages, like where the business logic is housed, where the UI code is kept, where the controllers are, etc. Basically, walk through the whole project and gain a primary idea, and then ask yourself where you want to focus and which part you want to read first. You may not read the entire code base, rather, just a portion of it may interest you. When you find your spot, you can start by method calling and see where it leads you.
3. Use/ know tools
There are plenty of tools out there for reading and exploring source code that can help to visualize code. For example, IntelliJIdea has the capability to navigate source code, allowing you to search by words, part of a word, or even an abbreviation. You should learn the keyboard shortcuts as well. Navigating source code with the mouse can be pretty boring and slow where working with the keyboard shortcuts can be faster. You can jump from one part of the source code to another quickly.
4. Know the language/ conventions
Knowing a particular language deeply helps you to improve your code reading skill. Every language has its own set of conventions, styles, and syntax. Knowledge of those helps you to be familiar with a particular piece of code, quickly. For example, in Java, method names start with a lower case letter, whereas in C# they start with an uppercase letter. Knowing this distinction helps you to identify the methods from the source code.
5. Read the best practices/ design patterns
The code you are reading, or a certain construct of it, may seem obscure or you may not be familiar with it, which is natural. There are plenty of good practices and design patterns that people use to do things correctly and optimally. For example, there is a pattern called Singleton where the constructor is kept private. You may ask, why on earth someone want to keep a constructor private, I have always seen it is as public, otherwise, how would I create an instance out of a class. Well, there is a reason behind it. Singleton patterns prevent you from instantiating a class more than once, which has many practical use cases. If you know the pattern, you would not bang your head against the wall for that.
6. Code Review
Software development is a very collaborative effort. No one can build a large or a significant software alone. Every software is built by a team. In a team, everyone contributes to shaping a project. At the end of the day, everyone’s contributions get merged and become a good piece of work which has a real value to the customers. Besides doing the actual coding, there is another practice that every team these days does, which is, review each other’s code while making observations, suggestions, and learning from one another. This is a powerful tool for building knowledge of a code base, creating strong bonds in a team, and improving code quality that leads to fewer bugs in the system, and happy customers.
Doing code reviews, you are forced to read someone else’s code in your team which ends up improving your code reading skills.
7. Temporary Refactoring
Temporary refactoring also can help you improve your code reading skill. You can start taking a long method and then keep breaking the method into multiple pieces. Keep doing that until you get a sense of what the intent behind the larger method was. After that, you can take a few notes on what the method does and then rollback the changes.
This can help your understanding of the method construct and improve your knowledge of refactoring as well.
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