Detailed Course Contents:
1. Introduction about Soap UI tool and Web Services?
What is Soap UI?
Why soap UI for Web service Testing?
Soap UI Features and benefits.
What is Web services and scope of Web services & Testing.
Why Web services Testing in needed? And Real Time Example
SOAP model and Architecture
2. Introduction about XML and Schema Validation
What is XML?
Schema validation in XML on SoapUI
Schema types and Binding
XML Messages
Soap Formats and soap Envelope (Headers+Body+Message)
XML and Soap
WSDL Basics
3. WSDL Explanation
About WSDL URL, WSDL Import
About Port Types and Soap binding Interface and Address of binding
Soap UI Test Structure
What is END Point?
Under standing WSDL
Web service explorer
Validating Web Service Response for SOAP API
4. Assert And Validating the Response Output
Manual Verification
Response Validating using Assert Class
5. Status Codes
Response validation based on the status codes
Find out Errors with Error codes
6. Sample Project Creation in Soap UI (Testing Scope)
Create new project in soap UI
Project import and export
Interface the WSDL URL , Binding from WSDL list to Soap UI
Create sample Request
Test suite and test case preparation
Message Passing and Getting Response
Verify the Response output
Functional Testing
Manually adding the Parameters in XML request
Validating Web Service Response for REST API
7. Learn REST API
REST API Concepts
Practical Example on GET and POST
Add Place Post HTTP Example using SOAP UI
End to End Test with SoapUI features on POST Http API
8. REST API Automation Testing with SOAPUI
JSON Script Assertion
Parsing the JSON responses for API validation
Examples on REST API Automation with JSON as response
Examples on REST API Automation with XML as response
JSON Path extraction from responses
JSON Assertions on parsed responses
Advanced examples on JSON Assertions
Database Testing
9. Database Testing with SoapUI
Database Concepts
Creating Database from scratch
SoapUI JDBC Connection
SQL Queries Testing with SOAP UI Features
SQL Builder - Soap UI Pro
Security Testing
10. Security Testing with SOAP UI
List of Security Threats
Security Test Cases
Security Testing - Practical Example
Other materials provided along with the Selenium training
PDF files, PPT files as walk through during classroom
Life time access to training recorded videos covering Complete Module and Framework development
Sample code as developed during classroom
Support for overseas placements in association with Global Next Generation Automation