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Course Contents
Basic Knowledge of Java
Selenium Webdriver Course Syllabus
What is Automation testing
When best to go for Automation
Advantages of Automation
Criteria for Automation
Introduction to Selenium
What is Selenium
Use of Selenium
When Selenium can be useful
Features of Selenium
Differences between Selenum & QTP
Selenium Components
Selenium Grid
Object Identification
diff b/w Testcase and Testsuite
Why not using Recording tools​
Core Java Content:
Java keywords
Concept of Class & Object
Understanding Data Types
Array Declaration
Construction Creation and initialization
Flow control:
code using If and else Statements
code using loops
Using Wrapper class
Working with Assertion Mechanism
Overloading & Overriding
Overridden and Overloading Methods
Using java.lang.string class
Exception Handling
Selenium Content:
Selenium 3.0 Features
Setting up a Selenium- Project
How to use eclipse and understand Eclipse navigation panel
Get started with Selenium WebDriver
Introducing WebDriver Architecture
Element Locators
Selenium WebDriver Commands
Handling Check Box, Radio button, Text Box
Waits in Selenium
Handling Web Table , Drop down
Handling Frames
Handling Mousehover
Validation Commands with Examples
Handle popup and alert
Data extraction from excel sheets
Why should we use excel sheets
Working with Actions Class
Extract data to Excel sheet
Debugging the script
Object Repository Content:
What is Object Repository
How to create Object Repository in Framework
Advantages of Maintaining Object Repository
Different Types of creating Object Repository
Usage of Properties file
Framework Development Part 1 Content:
​TestNG Framework
What is TestNG
Create TestNG.xml file
Integrate developed Selenium scripts into TestNG Framework
Reporting Results and Analyze
Run scripts from TestNG
What is a Framework
Learn different Types of Frameworks
Data Driven Framework
Keyword Driven Framework
Hybrid Framework
Use of Framework
Approach required to develop the Framework
Integration of test scripts developed into the Framework
Execute the scripts from Framework
Page Object Model Creation
Page Factory Creation
Framework Development Part 2 Content:
Cucumber Introduction
Selenium Integration with Cucumber BDD Tool
How to pass parameters in Cucumber script
Setup Maven project for Cucumber and Selenium
Perform Data Driven Testing in Cucumber
How to generate reports in Cucumber​
Maven Content:
Maven Setup
Integration of maven with selenium and TESTNG
Intergration of Maven with Cucumber
How to add dependency in POM.xml
Jenkins Content:
Download and configure the Jenkins
Execute Selenium project using Jenkins
Check the build and result
Execute maven project using Jenkins
How to Run project from command prompt
How to run testng.xml from command prompt
Addons Content:
How to create personal repository in GIT
TestNG Extent Reporting
How to use Selenium Grid
Other materials provided along with the Selenium training
PDF files, PPT files as walk through during classroom
Life time access to training recorded videos covering Complete Module and Framework development
Sample code as developed during classroom
Support for Domestic placements in association with Global Next Generation Automation