Course Contents
1. Course Introduction
Introduction to Protractor Course
2. Basic Installation
Installing JDK and Node.JS
Installing Protractor on Windows
Installing Python
Running first Protractor Test
Protractor Fundamentals
3. Protractor Basics
Understanding the Conf.js file
Handling Dropdown List
Adding validations using Jasmine Expect
WebStorm Installation and integrating Protractor runner
Jasmine Fundamentals
4. Jasmine Basics
Introduction to Jasmine and basic features
BeforeEach and AfterEach
Expect toBe and nottoBe
Expect toEqual, toMatch and not toEqual
Creating Test Suites and running selective / all test cases
Locator Strategies
5. Locators
Introduction to Locators
By Model, By ClassName, By ButtonText
By Binding, By ID
By Repeater
By AddLocator
Select Wrapper Class
Utilities Development
6. Utilities
Generating Logs
Generate Allure Reports
Installing Maven and Generating HTML Reports
Sending Emails
Understanding Package.json file and it's usage
7. Data Driven Testing
Reading data and locators through JSON files
Parameterization using Jasmine Data Providers
Excel Reading Utility
Framework Development
8. E2E Testing on Angular Java script Banking Application
Automating Customer Login
Automating Bank Manager Login
9. Page Object Model Framework - Live Project
Introduction to Page Object Model
Creating Architecture and Adding business pages
Adding More Business Page and Test Cases
Adding POM Design Pattern
Adding JSON Files for common locators and test data
Project code for Download
10. Handling Non Angular Elements
Automating a Login Window
Handling Tabs and Popups
11. Android - Test Execution
How to Execute Protractor Test on an Android Device
Android Test Configuration
Project code
12. Jenkins CI
Introduction to Jenkins
Jenkins Configuration
Understanding the Conf.js file
Code and NPM Packages for download
13. Protractor Docker and Selenium Grid Integration
Integration with Selenium grid and docker to run parallel test
Docker installation and adding Selenium Grid Containers
Docker compose with Parallel test execution on Multiple browsers
Resources for download from Docker section
Other materials provided along with the Selenium training
PDF files, PPT files as walk through during classroom
Life time access to training recorded videos covering Complete Module and Framework development
Sample code as developed during classroom
Support for overseas placements in association with Global Next Generation Automation