Course Contents
Java Fundamentals
1. Introduction to java
What is java
Programming language hierarchy
Java files
Java Components naming standards
Java source file declaration rules
First Java program
2. Classes and Objects
Introduction to Classes and objects
Understanding Java Heap
Creating first Class and Object
3. Variables and Operators
Introduction to Variables and their data types
Primitive and Non-primitive variables
Variable Casting
Object references
Java Operators
4. Java Methods and their communication
Introduction to methods
Method arguments and return types
Pass by Value
Getters and Setters
5. Loops and Arrays
If-else statement
While loop
Do-while loop
For loop
Enhanced for loop
Arrays – 1D and 2D
Reference in an array
6. Understanding Java-API
Understanding API using Array List
Array List fundamentals
Using Java Library
Using Packages
Using HTML- API docs
7. Inheritance and Polymorphism
Understanding inheritance and inheritance tree
Methods overriding and the rules
IS-A and HAS-A relationship
Super class Vs Subclass
Method Overloading
Access Modifiers
8. Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Abstract classes and methods
Mother of all classes – “Object class”
Polymorphic reference
Object reference casting
Deadly Diamond of Death
Interfaces and it’s implementation
9. Garbage Collection and Constructors
Concept of Stack and Heap
Methods and classes on Stack and Heap
Constructor Overloading
Constructor chaining and this() keyword
Garbage collection eligibility Way
10. Statics and data formatting
Static methods, variables and constants
Math class and methods
Wrapper classes
Auto boxing
Data formatting and static imports
11. Exception handling
Risky java codes
Introduction to Java Exceptions
Catching exceptions using try/catch block
The finally block
Catching multiple exceptions
Handle or Declare law of exceptions
12. Serialization and file I/O
Saving objects state
Writing serialized object
I/O streams
Serializable interface
Java IO file
Reading/Writing a text file
13. Collections
Introduction to Java collections
Concept of generics
14. Apache – POI
Introduction to Apache-POI
Reading data from MS Excel file using POI
Creating MS Excel file using POI
Manipulating Excel file data using POI
15. JDBC
JDBC concepts and terminology
JDBC package
Creating connection to a DataBase
Accessing and manipulating tables using JDBC
Sql statements
16. JUnit
Introduction to Java Framework
Testing Java codes using JUnit
Test Cases creation
Creating Test Suite to test an application
Selenium Web Driver Course Content:
17. Introduction to Selenium WebDriver:
What is WebDriver
Exploring WebDriver java docs
Downloading WebDriver jar files
Open Google home page through WebDriver
Exploring more features of WebDriver
WebDriver Features & Examples
Handling HTML Elements such as: Text box, Hyperlinks, Submit buttons,
Radio buttons, Check boxes, Dropdown etc
Finding Elements & text on a Webpage
Printing all links and other values from a Webpage and HTML Elements
Using By class to find elements using different methods
Implement global wait
Running test in multiple browsers
Firefox profile
Running test in multiple profiles
18. WebDriver & advance features
Simulating keypress events such as buttons such as Enter, page up, pagedown, backspace etc.
Handling java script messages
Working with online captchas
Running the test with HTMLUnit driver
Online Webtables
Downloading and configuring chrome driver
How to find Xpaths through Chrome developer tool
Generating your own Xpaths
What if you don’t have firebug or firepath
Handling multiple pop ups/tabs in Chrome
Handling Mouse over Menus and Iframes
19. Ajax & Listeners:
How to handle Ajax based applications
Browser navigate methods
Mouse movements
Explore action class mouseover method
Working with Javascriptexecutor
Drag and Drop
Handling Sliders
20. Flash Testing with Selenium WebDriver :
What is flash/flex testing
Downloading and Installing flash jar file
Automating flash player
Using different call methods of YouTube flash player
TestNG Course Content:
About TestNG
TestNG Annotations
Executing the tests in sequence
Error Collectors
How to parameterized our test case
Reading Excel files
Generating XSLT Reports
What is Maven
Configuring Maven
Running Selenium tests through Maven
Creating TestNG batch scripts for maven execution
Framework Development Course Content:
22: Automation Framework Implementation on a Live Project Covers end to end steps followed while creating the framework:
Test data files Creation
Test Core class which loads Xls file, initialize selenium web driver through code and do other initialization
Object.properties file to store XPaths
Developing Page Classes
Configuration files
Developing test scripts
Screenshot capturing
Emailing test results
Generating Reports
Generating Application and Selenium logs
Running framework automation through Maven
Other materials provided along with the Selenium training
PDF files, PPT files as walk through during classroom
Life time access to training recorded videos covering Complete Module and Framework development
Sample code as developed during classroom
Support for overseas placements in association with Global Next Generation Automation